Quantitative results


1. We achieved over $700,000 in future savings in the first quarter alone by putting into practice the concept of demonstrating to people that their ideas count, as we discussed in the leadership development program.

2. We project an estimated annual savings of over $25,000 by improving setup time.

3. By working together with another part of the plant, one of our team members was able to save the company roughly $4,500 in parts and labor. He was told to perform the job a certain way and by using his experience and knowledge, he was able to come up with a more productive way to get the problem resolved. I sent senior management an email, breaking down what he had accomplished, and he was recognized at our quarterly meeting.

4. In an effort to make changes and fix issues as part of the leader program, I learned more about the processes of one of our partners. I looked into it further and came to the conclusion that there was a way to eliminate over 24 hours of delayed time. The board accepted my proposal. This will be a savings of over $51,000 and that does not include the amount of money we will save in the process on our end.

5. By giving an employee the opportunity to move from Level 2 Delegation to Level 3, I estimate I will save about 1,000 man hours per year of my personal time.

6. No one in the group had access to some of the software required to get the information. I got the approval from management to give them access to the software, and explained them how to use it. Now they can be more efficient and get the information themselves without leaving their work area. This will save time for the team members and those they go to in order to ask questions. I estimate this action will save approximately 112 hours per year.

7. I made a commitment to try to improve my own work on a regular basis by finding ways to simplify processes and by exceeding expectations. By following through, I was able to take a 20-30 minute process and cut it down to less than 5 minutes. I then shared this new process with the entire team so that they could enjoy the same benefits to let them be more effective at their actual jobs.

8. Your coaching has helped me to think differently -- to look at the big picture and not only focus on the details.

9. By putting into practice the leadership concept, 'Ensure that everyone has all the information needed to make good decisions and do work right the first time,' I have reduced the amount of time we spend answering questions, which frees us up to work priorities more efficiently.

Are these the kinds of results you would like your leaders or employees to achieve while applying the principles of Engaging Leadership?

Copyright © 2023 Jo Umberger & Umberger Development Partners, Inc.